Texas (TX) Weatherford College Medical and Health Services Management (BAT) Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT)
Texas (TX) South Texas College Organizational Leadership (BAS) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Texas (TX) Weatherford College Organizational Leadership (BAAS) Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences (BAAS)
Texas (TX) South Texas College Operations Management (BAT) Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT)
Texas (TX) St. Philip’s College Cybersecurity (BAT) Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT)
Texas (TX) Tyler Junior College Dental Hygiene (BS) Bachelor of Science (BS)
Texas (TX) Trinity Valley Community College Nursing (BSN) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Texas (TX) Tyler Junior College Emergency Management (BAS) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Texas (TX) Weatherford College Computer Science (BAS) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Texas (TX) Tyler Junior College Healthcare Administration (BAT) Bachelor of Applied Technology (BAT)