Florida (FL) The College of the Florida Keys Marine Resource Management (BS) Bachelor of Science (BS)
Florida (FL) State College of Florida Management and Leadership (BAS) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) The College of the Florida Keys Supervision and Management (BAS) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) State College of Florida Health Services Administration (BAS) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) Valencia College Business and Organizational Leadership (BAS) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) State College of Florida Nursing (BSN) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Florida (FL) Tallahassee State College Business Administration (BAS) Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) St. Petersburg College Educational Studies and Community Leadership (BS) Bachelor of Science (BS)
Florida (FL) St. Petersburg College Exceptional Student Education (BS) Bachelor of Science (BS)
Florida (FL) St. Johns River State College Nursing (BSN) Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)