This searchable database includes research articles, publications, dissertations, and other resources related to CCBs.
It is curated and updated regularly by the CCBA team.

Last updated September 09, 2024

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A Comparative Perspective on the Community College Baccalaureate Degree Focusing on the Scale of the Degree

  • Skolnik, M. (2022, August 1). A comparative perspective on the community college baccalaureate degree focusing
    on the scale of the degree. Community College Journal of Research and Practice. Taylor & Francis Online.

A Descriptive Analysis of the Two-Year to Four-Year Criminal Justice Baccalaureate Degree Program at the Miami Dade College (Doctoral Dissertation)

  • Goodman Learner, D. (2017). A descriptive analysis of the two-year to four-year criminal justice baccalaureate degree
    program at the Miami Dade College (Publication No. 10637875) [Doctoral dissertation, St. Thomas
    University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

A Multi-Case Study of Three Florida Community Colleges Offering Applied Baccalaureate Degree Programs and How the ProgramsAassist Students in their Postsecondary Needs

  • Morton, J. D. (2013). A multi-case study of three Florida community colleges offering applied baccalaureate degree
    programs and how the programs assist students in their postsecondary needs (Publication No.
    3585514) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

Access Colleges/Universities as Antagonist and Allies in Conferring Baccalaureate Degrees

  • Bragg, D. D., Meza, E. A., & Soler, M. C. (2021). Access colleges/universities as antagonist and allies in conferring
    baccalaureate degrees. In G. Crisp, K. R. McClure & C. M. Orphan (Eds.), Unlocking Opportunity
    through Broadly Accessible Institutions.

Advocacy Tool Kit: Bachelor’s Degrees at the Community College

  • Palmer, I. & Love, I. (2020). Advocacy tool kit: Bachelor’s degrees at the community college [PowerPoint slides].
    New America.

An Analysis of Community College Baccalaureate Nursing Degrees (Doctoral Dissertation)

  • Loglisci, M. M. (2018). An analysis of community college baccalaureate nursing degrees (Publication No.
    13421002) [Doctoral dissertation, Wilmington University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

An Update on the Impacts of Community College Baccalaureates

  • Wright-Kim, J. (2022). An update on the impacts of community college baccalaureates. In C. Cutler’s (Ed.),
    Advocacy for change: Positioning community colleges for the next 75 years. New Directions for
    Community Colleges, 197, pp. 59-70. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Bachelor’s Programs Bringing Opportunities to Rural Arizonans

  • Tripiccione, L. & Love, I. (2023, October 27). Bachelor’s programs bringing opportunities to rural Arizonans. New America.

Benefits and Opportunities. California’s Community College Baccalaureate Programs

  • Hoang, H., Vo, D., &Rios-Aguilar, C. (August 2022). Benefits and opportunities. California’s community college
    baccalaureate programs. The Center for Community College Leadership and Research, 7(1).

Broadening Bachelor’s Pathways for High School Students in Ohio

  • Thai, T. & Love, I. (2023, September 28). Broadening bachelor’s pathways for high school students in Ohio. New America.

California Community Colleges Moving Forward With Bachelor’s Degree Approvals Despite Lawmaker Objections

  • Burke, M. (2023, April 25). California community colleges moving forward with bachelor’s degree approvals despite lawmaker
    objections. Ed Source.

California Expanding Community College Baccalaureate Programs

  • Gallegos, E. (2002, May 4). California expanding community college baccalaureate programs. EdSource.

Changes, Challenges, and Opportunities, for Student Services at One Baccalaureate Degree Granting Community College

  • Martinez, E. (2018). Changes, challenges, and opportunities for student services at one baccalaureate degree
    granting community college. Community College Review, 46(1), 82-103. Retrieved from

Charting Pathways to Completion for Low-Income Community College Students

  • Jenkins, D., & Weiss, M. J. (2011). Charting pathways to completion for low-income community college students.
    Community College Research Center, 34.

Chasing the American Dream: Understanding What Shapes Our Fortunes

  • Rank, M., & Hirschl, T. A. (2004). Chasing the American dream: Understanding what shapes our fortunes.
    Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Collaborative Healthcare. Interprofessional Practice, Education, and Evaluation. Who Are We Inviting to the Table?

  • Ferguson, D. S. (Fall 2023/Winter 2024). Collaborative healthcare. Interprofessional practice, education, and evaluation.
    Who are we inviting to the table? Jefferson Health.

Community College Baccalaureate Programs as an Equity Strategy: Student Access and Outcomes Data

  • Meza, E. & Love, I. (2022). Community college baccalaureate programs as an equity strategy: Student access
    and outcomes data. New America.

Community College Baccalaureate Programs: State Policy Framework

  • Love, I., Palmer, I., & Center on Education and Skills at New America (CESNA). (2020). Community college
    baccalaureate programs: State policy framework. New America.

Community College Bachelor’s Degrees: An Update on State Activity and Policy Considerations

  • Fulton, M. (2020). Community college bachelor’s degrees: An update on state activity and policy considerations
    [Policy Brief] Education Commission of the States.

Community Colleges are Dey to Solving California’s Toughest Challenges

  • Christina, S. (2013, October 16). Community colleges are key to solving California’s toughest challenges. Ed Source.

Competency-Based Education Made Easy. A Step-by-Step Handbook for Developing and Implementing Competency-Based Education Programs in Institutes of Higher Learning

  • Peck, K. (n.d.). Competency-based education made easy. A step-by-step handbook for developing and implementing
    competency-based education programs in institutes of higher learning. Texas Higher Education

Competing, Coordinating, or Collaborating: Perspectives on the Community College Baccalaureate Within the Context of Mission Differentiation

  • Love, I. & Turk, J. (2023, July 1). Competing, coordinating, or collaborating: Perspectives on the community college baccalaureate
    within the context of mission differentiation. Community College Journal of Research and Practice.

Conflict Over Community College Baccalaureate Degrees Lands in Idaho

  • Palmer, K. (2024, January 4). Conflict over community college baccalaureate degrees lands in Idaho. Inside Higher Ed.

Cost Makes the Difference for Community College Bachelor’s Students

  • Meza, E. (2023, December 6). Cost makes the difference for community college bachelor’s students. Community College Daily.

Create More 4-Year Community College Degrees

  • Christina, S. (2022, September 21). Create more 4-year community college degrees. Inside Higher Ed.

DataPoints: Bump in Baccalaureate Programs

  • Dembicki, M. (2023, September 26). DataPoints: Bump in baccalaureate programs. Community College Daily.

De Anza’s Auto Tech Program Grows by Degrees

  • Thorn, L. (2022, October 10). De Anza’s auto tech program grows by degrees. Mercury News.

Earning Your Bachelor’s Degree at a Community College

  • Drozdowski, M.J. (2022, September 27). Earning your bachelor’s degree at a community college. Best Colleges.

Education, race, and jobs in the COVID-19 crisis.  Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce

  • Carnevale, A., & Gulish, A. (2020). Education, race, and jobs in the COVID-19 crisis. Georgetown University
    Center on Education and the Workforce.

Enrollment and Finance: An Exploration of the Community College Baccalaureate (Doctoral Dissertation)

  • Wright-Kim, J. M. (2021). Enrollment and finance: An exploration of the community college baccalaureate
    Publication No. 28418943) [Doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania]. ProQuest Dissertations
    and Theses Global. (link?)

Evaluating the Student Experience at Community College Baccalaureate Programs

  • Wetzstein, L., Meza, E. & Bragg, D. (2022, May 18). Evaluating the student experience at community college baccalaureate
    programs. New America.

Exiting High School into the New Economy: How Community College Baccalaureate Programs Support High-Demand Degree Attainment for Texas Public School Students

  • Kirksey, J. & Crevar, A. (Fall 2023). Exiting high school into the new economy: How community college baccalaureate programs support
    high-demand degree attainment for Texas public school students [Policy Brief]. Texas Tech University College of

Expanding the Role of Community Colleges with Workforce Baccalaureate Programs

  • Dones, C. M. (2021). Expanding the role of community colleges with workforce baccalaureate programs.
    In Community Colleges and Workforce Preparation in the 21st Century: Emerging Research and
    Opportunities (pp. 28-58). IGI Global.

Expect WhiterTteeth on Campus: Taft College Welcomes New Bachelor’s Degree Dental Program

  • Donegan, J. (2023, June 24). Expect whiter teeth on campus: Taft College welcomes new bachelor’s degree dental program.
    The Bakersfield Californian.

Exploring the Lived Experiences of Latino First-Generation Students in a Community College Baccalaureate Program

  • Jones, C. (2024). Exploring the lived experiences of Latino first-generation students in a community college baccalaureate program.
    In J. McClinton, A.E. Hernandez & A.L. Thornton (Eds.), Qualitative research with diverse and underserved communities

Foundations and Reform Measures: Credit Transfer and Learning Outcomes Policy and Practice in the United States.

  • Bragg, D. D. (2020). Foundations and reform measures: Credit transfer and learning outcomes policy and practice
    in the United States. In C. Arnold, M. Wilson, J. Bridge, & M. C. Lennon (Eds.), Learning
    outcomes, academic credit, and student mobility (pp.79-115). McGill-Queen’s University Press.–academic-credit–and-student-mobility-products-9781553395546.php?page_id=73&

Four-Year Itch

  • Pierce, D. (2017). Four-year itch. Community College Journal, 88(2), 22-27.

From Equity Talk to Equity Walk: Expanding Practitioner Knowledge for Racial Justice in Higher Education

  • McNair, T. B., Bensimon, E. M., & Malcom-Piqueux, L. (2020). From equity talk to equity walk: Expanding
    practitioner knowledge for racial justice in higher education. John Wiley & Sons.,

Geography of College Opportunity: Situating Community College Baccalaureates Across Demographic Differences

  • Leonard, M. B. (2020). Geography of college opportunity: Situating community college baccalaureates across demographic
    differences. (Doctoral Dissertation). The Ohio State University.

How Community Colleges Can Help Solve Today’s Teacher Shortages

  • Andrews, H.A., Marzano, W. & Rockhold, G. (2022). How community colleges can help solve today’s teacher
    shortages. District Administration.

How Do Students Earning CCB Degrees Compare to Their Peers at Public Universities in Washington State?

  • Blume, G. (2020, February). How do students earning CCB degrees compare to their peers at public universities
    in Washington State? Community College Research Initiatives, University of Washington.

How WA Community Colleges are Helping Solve the State’s Teacher Shortage

  • Retka, J. (2022, October 6).How WA community colleges are helping solve the state’s teacher shortage. The Seattle Times.

Illinois Teacher Shortage Crisis: Quick Fixes and Long-Range Solutions

  • Andrews, H.A. & Marzano, W.A. (November-December 2021). Illinois teacher shortage crisis: Quick fixes and
    long-range solutions. Illinois School Board Journal, 89(6), 18-24.

Impact of Community College Baccalaureate Programs on State-Level STEM Baccalaureate Degree Production (Doctoral Dissertation)

  • Dixon, C. T. (2021). Impact of community college baccalaureate programs on state-level STEM baccalaureate
    degree production [Doctoral dissertation, North Carolina State University]. North Carolina State
    University Repository.

Industry Mentoring and Internship Experiences at a Community College Baccalaureate Program in Software Development

  • Hang, K., Berg, R., Schrock, T., Menezes, T., Ostrander, T., & Wang, K. (March 2024). Industry mentoring and internship
    experiences at a community college baccalaureate program in software development [Paper presentation].Proceedings
    of the 55th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Portland OR.

It’s Time for California Education to Meet Reality

  • Walthers, K. (2023, April 2). It’s time for California education to meet reality. Lompoc Record.

Latino First-Generation Student Experiences in a Community College Baccalaureate Program

  • Dones, C. (2020). Latino first-generation student experiences in a community college baccalaureate program [Thesis].
    California State University System.

Lone Star Awards Record Number of Degrees and Certifications

  • Lone Star College. (2022, May 17). Lone Star awards record number of degrees and certifications. Lone Star News.

Looming Teacher Shortages! A Crisis?

  • Andrews, H.A. & Marzano, W. (2021). Looming teacher shortages! A crisis? Higher Education Digest.

Making the Case for Community College Baccalaureates

  • Bragg, D. & Harmon, T. (2022, December 13). Making the case for community college baccalaureates. New America.

Making the Case for Community College Baccalaureates. What Supply and Demand Analysis Reveals in Two Midwest States

  • Bragg, D. & Harmon, T. (2022, December 5). Making the case for community college baccalaureates. What supply
    and demand analysis reveals in two Midwest states. New America.

Mapping the Community College Baccalaureate:  An Inventory of the Institutes and Programs Comprising the Current Landscape

  • Love, I., Bragg, D., & Harmon, T. (2021). Mapping the community college baccalaureate: An inventory of the institutes
    and programs comprising the current landscape. New America.

More Adults, Low-Income Students Enroll When Community Colleges Offer Bachelor’s Degrees, Study Suggests

  • Schwartz, N. (September 30, 2022). More adults, low-income students enroll when community colleges offer
    bachelor’s degrees, study suggests. Higher Ed Deep Dive.

More Baccalaureate Programs Coming to California Community Colleges

  • Burke, M. (2022, September 27). More baccalaureate programs coming to California community colleges.

Negotiating Bachelor’s Degree Programs at Community Colleges

  • Weissman, S. (2023, October 10). Negotiating bachelor’s degree programs at community colleges. Inside Higher Ed.

Outcomes Evaluation of Applied Baccalaureate Degree Programs in STEM and Technician Education

  • Soler, M. C., & Bragg, D. D. (2016). Outcomes evaluation of applied baccalaureate degree programs in STEM and
    technician education.

Pioneering the Community College Baccalaureate in California. The Experience of West Los Angeles College

  • Aguiar, A., Dones, C., Quiñones, P., Rios-Aguilar, C., Chavac, L., & Cruz, P. (August 2022). Pioneering the
    community college baccalaureate in California. The experience of West Los Angeles College.
    The Center for Community College Leadership and Research, 7(2).

Policy Narratives on Applied Baccalaureate Degrees: Implications for Student Access to and Progression Through College in the United States

  • Bragg, D. D., & Soler, M. C. (2017). Policy narratives on applied baccalaureate degrees: Implications for student
    access to and progression through college in the United States. Journal of Vocational Education
    and Training, 69(1), 123-146.

Post-Secondary Education and Training, New Vocational and Hybrid Pathways, and Questions of Equity, Inequality, and Social Mobility:Iintroduction to the Special Issue

  • Bathmaker, A. M. (2017). Post-secondary education and training, new vocational and hybrid pathways, and
    questions of equity, inequality, and social mobility: Introduction to the special issue. Journal
    of Vocational Education and Training, 69(1), 1-9.

Post-Secondary Higher Education Pathways to Workforce Credential Attainment in the United States of America

  • Floyd, D.L., Garcia Falconetti, A., Camacho, L. (2022). Post-secondary higher education pathways to workforce
    credential attainment in the United States of America. In Knight, E., Bathmaker, AM., Moodie, G.,
    Orr, K., Webb, S., Wheelahan, L. (Eds.) Equity and access to high skills through higher vocational
    education. Palgrave studies in adult education and lifelong learning (pp. 169-188). Palgrave Macmillan,

Promoting Access and Equity for Underrepresented Racial Minorities? An Examination of Policies andPpractices in Community College Baccalaureate Programs

  • Cuellar, M., & Gandara, P. (2021). Promoting access and equity for underrepresented racial minorities? An
    examination of policies and practices in community college baccalaureate programs.
    Community College Review, 49(1), 52-75.

Racial Equity in Community College Baccalaureate Programs

  • Huerta, A. (2023, March 3). Racial equity in community college baccalaureate programs. Pullias Center for Higher Education.

Responding to a Time of Disruption and Opportunity

  • Canon, B. (2022, June). Responding to a time of disruption and opportunity. Higher Education Coordination

Scaling Up Community College Baccalaureates in Washington State: Labor Market Outcomes and Equity Implications for Higher Education

  • Meza, E.A., & Bragg, D.D. (2022). Scaling up community college baccalaureates in Washington State: Labor
    market outcomes and equity implications for higher education. Education Policy Analysis
    Archives, 30(140).

Shining Light on Higher Education’s Newest Baccalaureate Degrees and the Research Needed to Understand Their Impact

  • Bragg, D. & Soler, M. C. (2016). Shining light on higher education’s newest baccalaureate degrees and the research needed
    to understand their impact. In X. Wong (Ed.), New Directions for Institutional Research (pp. 61-720), Jossey-Bass.

Spending at Baccalaureate-Granting Community Colleges: A Focus on Institutional Aid

  • Wright-Kim, J. (2023, April 20). Spending at baccalaureate-granting community colleges: A focus on institutional aid. Community
    College Journal of Research and Practice.

Stratified Trajectories: Charting Equity Gaps in Program Pathways among Community College Students

  • Lin, Y., Fay, M. P., & Fink, J. (2020). Stratified trajectories: Charting equity gaps in program pathways among
    community college students. Community College Research Center, 126.

Students at Rural Community College Can Earn aBbachelor’s and Help Prevent Wildfires

  • Burke, M. (2023, March 7). Students at rural community college can earn a bachelor’s and help prevent wildfires. Ed Source.

The Baccalaureate and Beyond: An Analysis of Demographics and Labor Market Outcomes of Florida Community College Baccalaureate Graduates

  • Love, I. (2020). The baccalaureate and beyond: An analysis of demographics and labor market outcomes of Florida community
    college baccalaureate graduates. New America.

The Community College Baccalaureate in Washington: Who Enrolls?

  • Meza, E. A. (2019). The community college baccalaureate in Washington: Who enrolls? Community College
    Research Initiatives.

The Community College Baccalaureate Movement

  • Floyd, D. L., & Skolnik, M. L. (2019). The community college baccalaureate movement. In T.U O’Banion
    (Ed.), 13 ideas that are transforming the community college world (pp.103-126). Rowman &

The Community College Baccalaureate: Assessing Student Perceptions at One Rural Mississippi Community College

  • Nail, E. L. (2013). The community college baccalaureate: Assessing student perceptions at one rural Mississippi
    community college (Publication No. 3603467) [Doctoral dissertation, Mississippi State University].
    ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.

The Community College Baccalaureate: Emerging Trends and Policy Issues

  • Floyd, D.L., Skolnick, M.L. & Walker, K.P. (2023). The community college baccalaureate: Emerging trends and policy issues.
    Google Books.

The Dynamic Financial Implications of the Community College Baccalaureate: An Institutional Exploration

  • Wright-Kim, J. (2022). The dynamic financial implications of the community college baccalaureate: An institutional
    exploration. AERA Open, 8, 23328584221126473.

The Equity Imperative of the Place-Bound Student

  • Galizio, L. (2023, February 28). The equity imperative of the place-bound student. Diverse Issues in Higher Education.

The Impact of Community College Baccalaureate Adoption on Associate Degree Production

  • Ortagus, J. C., Kramer, D. A., Gonzalez Canche, M. S., & Fernandez, F. (2020). The impact of community college
    baccalaureate adoption on associate degree production. Teachers College Record, 122(1).

The Impact of Offering Baccalaureate Degrees on Institutional Enrollment in Community Colleges

  • Wright-Kim, J. (2022). The impact of offering baccalaureate degrees on institutional enrollment in community
    colleges. Community College Review, 0(0).

The Journey Towards a Bachelor’s Degree: Examining the Lived Experiences of AdultLlearners as Transfer Students

  • Rollins, T. (2023). The journey towards a bachelor’s degree: Examining the lived experiences of adult learners as transfer students
    [Doctoral Dissertation, the University of Central Florida].

The Potential of California’s Community College Baccalaureate for Closing Racial Equity Gaps

  • Rios-Aguilar, M.G., Bañuelos, N., Lyke, A., & Vo, D. (2023, April 6). The potential of California’s community college baccalaureate
    for closing racial equity gaps. University of California Civil Rights Project.

To Fill Teacher Jobs, Community College Offer New Degrees

  • Retka, J. (October 6, 2022). To fill teacher jobs, community college offer new degrees. AP News.

Toward Capabilities for Adult Working Learners in Canada and the United States

  • Moodie, G., Wheelahan, L., & Bragg, D. D. (2023). Toward capabilities for adult working learners in Canada and the United States.
    New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 2023(179), 17-26.

Washington Bachelor’s of Applied Science Graduate Employment and Earnings Outcomes

  • Meza, E. A., & Bragg, D. D. (2020). Washington bachelor’s of applied science graduate employment and earnings
    outcomes. Community College Research Initiatives.

What StudentSsuccess Centers Can Do to Support More Equitable Student Success

  • Bragg, D. (2023). What student success centers can do to support more equitable student success. In E. Cox Brand (Ed.),
    Student success center network, 2023(102) pp. 89-104. New Directions for Community Colleges.

What to Know About Bachelor’s Degrees at California Community Colleges

  • Burke, M. (2023, July 27). What to know about bachelor’s degrees at California community colleges. Quick guide.
    Ed Source.

What Works for Adult Learners

  • Bragg, D. D., Endel, B., Anderson, N., Soricone, L., & Acevedo, E. (2019). What works for adult learners.
    Jobs for the Future.

What’s Working in Community College Degree Programs

  • Whissemore, T. (2022, August 4). What’s working in community college degree programs. Community College Daily.

Why Offer Baccalaureate DegreesThrough Illinois Community Colleges?

  • Baber, L. (2024, June 17).Why offer baccalaureate degrees through Illinois community colleges? University of Illinois
    Urbana-Champaign New Bureau.

Wyoming Community Colleges Graduate First Ever Bachelor Degree Recipients

  • Cody Enterprises (2022, May 16). Wyoming community college graduate first ever bachelor degree recipients.

You’ve Got to Put the Student First: Faculty Advisors as Educators and Emotional Laborers in Community College Baccalaureate Contexts

  • Martinez, E., Velarde Pierce, S., & Peña, I. (2023, November 24). You’ve got to put the student first: Faculty advisors as educators
    and emotional laborers in community college baccalaureate contexts. Community College Review.