Last updated July 31, 2024

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Making the Case for Community College Baccalaureates. What Supply and Demand Analysis Reveals in Two Midwest States

  • Bragg, D. & Harmon, T. (2022, December 5). Making the case for community college baccalaureates. What supply
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Mapping the Community College Baccalaureate:  An Inventory of the Institutes and Programs Comprising the Current Landscape

  • Love, I., Bragg, D., & Harmon, T. (2021). Mapping the community college baccalaureate: An inventory of the institutes
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    New America.

More Adults, Low-Income Students Enroll When Community Colleges Offer Bachelor’s Degrees, Study Suggests

  • Schwartz, N. (September 30, 2022). More adults, low-income students enroll when community colleges offer
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More Baccalaureate Programs Coming to California Community Colleges

  • Burke, M. (2022, September 27). More baccalaureate programs coming to California community colleges.

Negotiating Bachelor’s Degree Programs at Community Colleges

  • Weissman, S. (2023, October 10). Negotiating bachelor’s degree programs at community colleges. Inside Higher Ed.

Outcomes Evaluation of Applied Baccalaureate Degree Programs in STEM and Technician Education

  • Soler, M. C., & Bragg, D. D. (2016). Outcomes evaluation of applied baccalaureate degree programs in STEM and
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Pioneering the Community College Baccalaureate in California. The Experience of West Los Angeles College

  • Aguiar, A., Dones, C., Quiñones, P., Rios-Aguilar, C., Chavac, L., & Cruz, P. (August 2022). Pioneering the
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Policy Narratives on Applied Baccalaureate Degrees: Implications for Student Access to and Progression Through College in the United States

  • Bragg, D. D., & Soler, M. C. (2017). Policy narratives on applied baccalaureate degrees: Implications for student
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Post-Secondary Education and Training, New Vocational and Hybrid Pathways, and Questions of Equity, Inequality, and Social Mobility:Iintroduction to the Special Issue

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Post-Secondary Higher Education Pathways to Workforce Credential Attainment in the United States of America

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Promoting Access and Equity for Underrepresented Racial Minorities? An Examination of Policies andPpractices in Community College Baccalaureate Programs

  • Cuellar, M., & Gandara, P. (2021). Promoting access and equity for underrepresented racial minorities? An
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Racial Equity in Community College Baccalaureate Programs

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Responding to a Time of Disruption and Opportunity

  • Canon, B. (2022, June). Responding to a time of disruption and opportunity. Higher Education Coordination

Scaling Up Community College Baccalaureates in Washington State: Labor Market Outcomes and Equity Implications for Higher Education

  • Meza, E.A., & Bragg, D.D. (2022). Scaling up community college baccalaureates in Washington State: Labor
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Shining Light on Higher Education’s Newest Baccalaureate Degrees and the Research Needed to Understand Their Impact

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Spending at Baccalaureate-Granting Community Colleges: A Focus on Institutional Aid

  • Wright-Kim, J. (2023, April 20). Spending at baccalaureate-granting community colleges: A focus on institutional aid. Community
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Stratified Trajectories: Charting Equity Gaps in Program Pathways among Community College Students

  • Lin, Y., Fay, M. P., & Fink, J. (2020). Stratified trajectories: Charting equity gaps in program pathways among
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Students at Rural Community College Can Earn aBbachelor’s and Help Prevent Wildfires

  • Burke, M. (2023, March 7). Students at rural community college can earn a bachelor’s and help prevent wildfires. Ed Source.

The Baccalaureate and Beyond: An Analysis of Demographics and Labor Market Outcomes of Florida Community College Baccalaureate Graduates

  • Love, I. (2020). The baccalaureate and beyond: An analysis of demographics and labor market outcomes of Florida community
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The Community College Baccalaureate in Washington: Who Enrolls?

  • Meza, E. A. (2019). The community college baccalaureate in Washington: Who enrolls? Community College
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The Community College Baccalaureate Movement

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The Community College Baccalaureate: Assessing Student Perceptions at One Rural Mississippi Community College

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The Community College Baccalaureate: Emerging Trends and Policy Issues

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The Dynamic Financial Implications of the Community College Baccalaureate: An Institutional Exploration

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The Equity Imperative of the Place-Bound Student

  • Galizio, L. (2023, February 28). The equity imperative of the place-bound student. Diverse Issues in Higher Education.

The Impact of Community College Baccalaureate Adoption on Associate Degree Production

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The Impact of Offering Baccalaureate Degrees on Institutional Enrollment in Community Colleges

  • Wright-Kim, J. (2022). The impact of offering baccalaureate degrees on institutional enrollment in community
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The Journey Towards a Bachelor’s Degree: Examining the Lived Experiences of AdultLlearners as Transfer Students

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The Potential of California’s Community College Baccalaureate for Closing Racial Equity Gaps

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To Fill Teacher Jobs, Community College Offer New Degrees

  • Retka, J. (October 6, 2022). To fill teacher jobs, community college offer new degrees. AP News.

Toward Capabilities for Adult Working Learners in Canada and the United States

  • Moodie, G., Wheelahan, L., & Bragg, D. D. (2023). Toward capabilities for adult working learners in Canada and the United States.
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Washington Bachelor’s of Applied Science Graduate Employment and Earnings Outcomes

  • Meza, E. A., & Bragg, D. D. (2020). Washington bachelor’s of applied science graduate employment and earnings
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What StudentSsuccess Centers Can Do to Support More Equitable Student Success

  • Bragg, D. (2023). What student success centers can do to support more equitable student success. In E. Cox Brand (Ed.),
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What to Know About Bachelor’s Degrees at California Community Colleges

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What Works for Adult Learners

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What’s Working in Community College Degree Programs

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Why Offer Baccalaureate DegreesThrough Illinois Community Colleges?

  • Baber, L. (2024, June 17).Why offer baccalaureate degrees through Illinois community colleges? University of Illinois
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Wyoming Community Colleges Graduate First Ever Bachelor Degree Recipients

  • Cody Enterprises (2022, May 16). Wyoming community college graduate first ever bachelor degree recipients.

You’ve Got to Put the Student First: Faculty Advisors as Educators and Emotional Laborers in Community College Baccalaureate Contexts

  • Martinez, E., Velarde Pierce, S., & Peña, I. (2023, November 24). You’ve got to put the student first: Faculty advisors as educators
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