Stakeholder Collaborative Roundtables for Bachelor Degree Development
Alvin Community College
TexasMary Jove
Equitable Access and Outcomes, Regional Significance and Labor Market Alignment
In the planning phase for Alvin Community College’s first baccalaureate degree, the entire campus leadership team and their direct reports formed a large group roundtable to identify areas requiring development. The team met monthly to clarify or investigate areas of need. Faculty, student services, industry leaders, and campus leadership jointly developed the strategic goals and objectives necessary to launch the first Bachelor of Applied Science in Business in Fall 2024. From these roundtable meetings, supervisors from each college department met with their employees to ensure that the entire college remained informed about the progress of the degree development. In May, during the second planning phase, students will be added to the roundtable to gain their perspectives on the program after their first term in the degree. The collaborative roundtable approach for planning goals aimed to promote transparency and ensure that student success remained at the core of the entire organization. Identified positives of this type of planning and development include having all stakeholders informed, which created a “deliberate calm” when changes were occurring. Potential challenges, such as those related to financial aid and accreditation, were promptly addressed, leading to a more successful outcome.
Degree Planning, Collaboration