Equity Analysis
Lake Washington Institute of Technology
WashingtonMike Potter
Equitable Access and Outcomes, Student Services, Evaluation: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices
Lake Washington Institute of Technology, like all institutions offering community college baccalaureates, are dedicated to equity and inclusion. To plan and implement successful equitable bachelor degrees, top management support and alignment with the college’s diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) plan must occur. Administrative endorsement of ongoing equity analysis is also crucial. In order for the Funding, time, staff, and training are all required. Specifically, instructional administrators and staff need to develop program review processes, documents, templates, timelines, and review procedures that provide the DEI data. Enrollment services must verify quality assurance (QA) procedures to ensure data are valid and reliable to analyze any equity gaps. Institutional research must invest in the tools, training, staff, and time to create the Tableau dashboards. Faculty will engage in the equity analysis during program review to be cognizant of any potential gaps and to offer solutions to lessen equity challenges. Also, professional development must be created, implemented, and revised to implement follow-up strategies to close equity gaps. By using this process, Lake Washington Institute of Technology has actively focused on equality and inclusion in its baccalaureate programs.
Equity, Outcomes