Co-Enrollment of BAS or BAT student in Graduate Program
South Texas College
TexasAli Esmaeili
High Level of Learning, Equitable Access and Outcomes, Affordability
This Promising Practice is a collaboration between South Texas College with both public and private university partners that provides BAS and BAT students the opportunity to be co-enrolled in bachelors and masters level courses. In this collaboration, students who choose the co-enrollment track take nine credit hours in South Texas College’s 4000 level courses which will also count as nine credits in the various universities’ master ‘s program curricula. Coursework in these 4000 level courses is enhanced so that assignments include research and a focus on graduate work. The college has dedicated academic coaches for the co-enrollment track that can assist students with the process. The marketing of the program by highlighting an accelerated path toward a master’s degree is a key component of the success of this program. There are positive outcomes for the college and the universities who participate in this innovative program. First, the program provides recruitment opportunities for South Texas College as it has the ability to raise their own future faculty members. The universities who participate in the co-enrollment agreement have a pipeline for the graduate students coming from the college thus increasing the universities’ enrollments.
University Partnership