Florida (FL) 137096 Santa Fe College Organizational Management (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 137096 Santa Fe College Accounting (BS) 52.0301 52 Bachelor of Science (BS)
Florida (FL) 137209 Seminole State College of Florida Management and Organizational Leadership (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 137209 Seminole State College of Florida Business and Information Management (BS) 52.1201 52 Bachelor of Science (BS)
Florida (FL) 137315 South Florida State College Supervision and Management (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 136516 Polk State College Supervision and Management (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 136473 Pensacola State College Business and Management (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 136400 Pasco-Hernando State College Supervision and Management (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 136358 Palm Beach State College Supervision and Management Entrepreneurship (BAS) 52.0299 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)
Florida (FL) 136233 Northwest Florida State College Project Management (BAS) 52.0202 52 Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS)