CCBCase-Making Tools: Using Lightcast™ to Conduct Supply and Demand Analysis Are you wondering what you can do to make the best case for your CCB program? We’ve got you! Join us Tuesday, June 4 at 2 pm EST as Tim …
Watch them Grow: The Evolution of Community College Baccalaureate Degrees ORLANDO, Fla. (May 6, 2024) – The Community College Baccalaureate Association (CCBA) and research partner, Bragg & Associates, Inc., recently published a new report – Watch them Grow: The Evolution …
Abstract: Large numbers of Latinx students begin their journey through higher education in the 2-year community college system with the aspiration to transfer and earn a bachelor’s degree, yet few Latinx students transfer. The result is inequity in transfer rates …
Abstract: NA Link to Full Research Document (URL): Reference: Gonzales, S. (2024, April 18). Expanding community college offerings to include bachelor’s degrees gives Americans a cost-effective choice in higher education. PR Newswire.
Abstract: Given funding concerns and heightened work expectations at baccalaureate degree-granting community colleges, we set out to understand faculty advisors’ emotional labor in such context. Methods: We conducted a supra analysis, which is a form of secondary analysis of qualitative data. Existing interview …
Abstract: NA Link to Full Research Document (URL): Reference: Rockhold, G. & Andrews, H. (2024, March 1). Rural teacher shortages: Developing a meaningful new teacher preparation pipeline. National School Board Association.
Abstract: The Community College Baccalaureate Case-Making Tool supports the analysis of supply and demand for occupations or sets of occupations and the programs of study that will supply graduates for them (i.e., degree supply1 and occupational demand2). It is focused …
Abstract Summary: Representing the first look at data on Texas students participating in community college bachelor’s (CCB) degree programs, this brief explores the demographic characteristics of these students and the labor market outcomes of graduates. Building on a large body of research on …