Abstract Summary: Not available Review The Full Research Document Here Bragg, D. D. (2020). Foundations and reform measures: Credit transfer and learning outcomes policy and practice in the United States. In C. Arnold, M. Wilson, J. Bridge, & M. C. …
Abstract Summary: Traditional education and training models are failing to equip many job seekers–especially people of color and individuals living in low-income communities in urban and rural areas–with the skills and experience they need to succeed in today’s workforce. This …
Abstract Summary: This data note explores the extent to which the student population earning baccalaureate degrees at community and technical colleges mirrors the demographic characteristics of the student population earning baccalaureate degrees in comparable programs of study offered by four …
Abstract Summary: Distinctive forms of post-secondary education for those who do not follow well-worn academic routes from school to university are evolving rapidly across a wide range of countries. Referred to as Higher Vocational Education (HVE) in countries such as …
Abstract Summary: Over the last three years, researchers and policy analysts at New America, Bragg & Associates, and the University of Washington has studied the emergence of CCB degrees and student access, enrollment, completion, employment, and earnings of those pursuing …
Abstract Summary: Not available Review The Full Research Document Here Dones, C. (2020). Latino First-Generation Student Experiences in a Community College Baccalaureate Program. (Thesis). California State University System.
Abstract Summary: Not available Review The Full Research Document Here Leonard, M. B. (2020). Geography of College Opportunity: Situating Community College Baccalaureates across Demographic Differences. (Doctoral Dissertation). The Ohio State University.
Abstract Summary: Across the country, states are responding to local labor market needs and student interest by authorizing community colleges to offer bachelor’s degree programs. Our team has been researching and curating stories about how these programs are impacting people …
Abstract Summary: In this report explores the demographic characteristics and labor market outcomes of baccalaureate graduates from the Florida College System and compares them to associate degree graduates in similar fields. Better understanding of who CCB graduates are—including how they …
Abstract Summary: Not available Review The Full Research Document Here Nail, E. L. (2013). The community college baccalaureate: Assessing student perceptions at one rural Mississippi community college (Publication No. 3603467) [Doctoral dissertation, Mississippi State University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global.
Abstract Summary: Not available Review The Full Research Document Here Morton, J. D. (2013). A multi-case study of three Florida community colleges offering applied baccalaureate degree programs and how the programs assist students in their postsecondary needs (Publication No. 3585514) …
Abstract Summary: Not available Review The Full Research Document Here Peek, K. (2020). Competency-based education made easy. A step-by-step handbook for developing and implementing competency-based education programs in institutes of higher learning. Texas Higher Education Foundation.