Abstract Summary: With nearly half the states having authorized community colleges to award baccalaureate degrees, the community college baccalaureate (CCB) has become an increasingly common feature of the landscape of American higher education. While there has been an expansion of …
Abstract Summary: Research consistently shows that BSN degree preparation is associated with improved patient outcomes. However, in Southeast Washington, the number of BSN-prepared nurses is far below the national average. To provide a seamless pathway for nurses to earn a …
Abstract Summary Community colleges have been expanding their mission to include the conferring of bachelor’s degrees in career education programs for many years, which has been met with consternation over the quality of a bachelor’s degree from a community college, …
Abstract Summary Not available Link to Full Research Document (URL) Citation: Whissemore, T. (2022, August 4). What’s working in community college degree programs. Community College Daily.
Abstract Summary: Not available Review The Full Research Document Here Cannon, B. (2022, June). Responding to a Time of Disruption and Opportunity. HECC Collaborations.
20 Promising Practices to Advance Quality, Equity, and Success in Community College Baccalaureate Degree Programs ORLANDO, Fla. (July 13, 2022) – With the support of ECMC Foundation, the Community College Baccalaureate Association (CCBA), in partnership with Bragg & Associates, recently …
What practices contribute to student success in Community College Baccalaureate (CCB) programs? Led by Moderator Dr. Angela Kersenbrock, president of CCBA, this free webinar will include the results of a national study of promising practices funded by the ECMC Foundation. Rosario …
CCBA Institute Webinar Series Presents: Employer Partnerships Essential to High-Quality CCB Programs How do we build and implement community college baccalaureate programs that have strong employer and industry partnerships? Moderated by CCB researcher Tim Harmon, president of Workforce Enterprise Services, this webinar will explore …
Abstract Summary Not available Link to Full Research Document (URL) Citation: Wetzstein, L., Meza, E. & Bragg, D. (2022, May 18). Evaluating the student experience at community college baccalaureate programs. New America