Showing 1-10 of 227 results

Google Map Tracker

August 20, 2024

2022 Centralia College WashingtonConnie Smejkal Employer Partnerships and Collaborations, Regional Signficance and Labor Market Alignment, Evaluation: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices A Google Map Tracker shows where graduates of the BAS in Teacher Education (BASTE) are teaching in the community …

Early Action Letters

August 20, 2024

2023 Lake Washington Institute of Technology WashingtonMike Potter Equitable Access and Outcomes,Affordability,Student Services Students at Lake Washington Institute of Technology are guaranteed a spot in their respective BAS programs (with the exception of Nursing and Dental Hygiene) if they …

Equity Analysis

August 20, 2024

2023 Lake Washington Institute of Technology WashingtonMike Potter Equitable Access and Outcomes, Student Services, Evaluation: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices Lake Washington Institute of Technology, like all institutions offering community college baccalaureates, are dedicated to equity and inclusion. To plan …