Showing 1-10 of 227 results

Google Map Tracker

August 20, 2024

2022 Centralia College WashingtonConnie Smejkal Employer Partnerships and Collaborations, Regional Signficance and Labor Market Alignment, Evaluation: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices A Google Map Tracker shows where graduates of the BAS in Teacher Education (BASTE) are teaching in the community …

360 Equity

August 20, 2024

2022 Skagit Valley College WashingtonSunaina Vindra High Level of Learning, Equitable Access and Outcomes Regional Significance and Labor Market Alignment, Evaluation: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices The program is rooted in “equity 360”, a multi-dimension approach to embedding principles of …

Equity Analysis

August 20, 2024

2023 Lake Washington Institute of Technology WashingtonMike Potter Equitable Access and Outcomes, Student Services, Evaluation: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices Lake Washington Institute of Technology, like all institutions offering community college baccalaureates, are dedicated to equity and inclusion. To plan …

Growing New Program Pathways through Impactful Program Review

August 20, 2024

2024 GateWay Community College ArizonaDr. Amy Diaz Dr. Lora Timmons Ms. Tabatha Hatfield Regional Significance and Labor Market Alignment, Evaluation: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices In an era where higher education institutions are continually challenged to deliver quality programs efficiently, …

Bachelor’s Launch Kit: Implementation in a Box

August 20, 2024

2024 Maricopa County Community College District ArizonaDavid Perry Equitable Access and Outcomes, Student Services, Regional Significance and Labor Market Alignment, Evaluation: Evidence-Based Programs and Practices The Bachelor’s Implementation in a Box provides the necessary tools and information to faculty …