Showing 1-10 of 234 results

The Community College Baccalaureate in Washington: Who Enrolls?

September 23, 2024

The Community College Baccalaureate in Washington: Who Enrolls? 2019, E. A. (2019). The community college baccalaureate in Washington: Who enrolls? Community College Research Initiatives., E. A. (2019). The community college baccalaureate in Washington: Who enrolls? Community College Research Initiatives. …

What Works for Adult Learners

September 23, 2024

What Works for Adult Learners 2019, D. D., Endel, B., Anderson, N., Soricone, L., & Acevedo, E. (2019). What works for adult learners. Jobs for the Future., D. D., Endel, B., Anderson, N., Soricone, L., & Acevedo, E. (2019). What works for …

The Community College Baccalaureate Movement

September 23, 2024

The Community College Baccalaureate Movement 2019,+D.+L.,+%26+Skolnik,+M.+L.+(2019).+The+community+college+baccalaureate+movement.+In+T.U+O%E2%80%99Banion+(Ed.),+13+ideas+that+are+transforming+the+community+college+world+(pp.103-126).+Rowman+%26+Lifflefield.&ots=Hq1ZcVTfUj&sig=SVIRMYzMC2k3rtqWGsC5j37zcZk#v=onepage&q&f=falseFloyd, D. L., & Skolnik, M. L. (2019). The community college baccalaureate movement. In T.U O’Banion (Ed.), 13 ideas that are transforming the community college world (pp.103-126). Rowman & Littlefield.,+D.+L.,+%26+Skolnik,+M.+L.+(2019).+The+community+college+baccalaureate+movement.+In+T.U+O%E2%80%99Banion+(Ed.),+13+ideas+that+are+transforming+the+community+college+world+(pp.103-126).+Rowman+%26+Lifflefield.&ots=Hq1ZcVTfUj&sig=SVIRMYzMC2k3rtqWGsC5j37zcZk#v=onepage&q&f=falseFloyd, D. L., & Skolnik, M. …