Showing 1-10 of 227 results

Post-Secondary Education and Training, New Vocational and Hybrid Pathways, and Questions of Equity, Inequality, and Social Mobility:Iintroduction to the Special Issue

July 31, 2024

Post-Secondary Education and Training, New Vocational and Hybrid Pathways, and Questions of Equity, Inequality, and Social Mobility:Iintroduction to the Special Issue 2017, A. M. (2017). Post-secondary education and training, new vocational and hybrid pathways, and questions of equity, inequality, and …

Four-Year Itch

July 31, 2024

Four-Year Itch 2017, D. (2017). Four-year itch. Community College Journal, 88(2), 22-27., D. (2017). Four-year itch. Community College Journal, 88(2), 22-27.

A Descriptive Analysis of the Two-Year to Four-Year Criminal Justice Baccalaureate Degree Program at the Miami Dade College (Doctoral Dissertation)

July 31, 2024

A Descriptive Analysis of the Two-Year to Four-Year Criminal Justice Baccalaureate Degree Program at the Miami Dade College (Doctoral Dissertation) 2017 Learner, D. (2017). A descriptive analysis of the two-year to four-year criminal justice baccalaureate degree program at the Miami …

Policy Narratives on Applied Baccalaureate Degrees: Implications for Student Access to and Progression Through College in the United States

July 31, 2024

Policy Narratives on Applied Baccalaureate Degrees: Implications for Student Access to and Progression Through College in the United States 2017, D. D., & Soler, M. C. (2017). Policy narratives on applied baccalaureate degrees: Implications for student access to and progression …