Showing 81-90 of 113 results
Promoting access and equity for underrepresented racial minorities? An examination of policies and practices in community college baccalaureate programs

Promoting access and equity for underrepresented racial minorities? An examination of policies and practices in community college baccalaureate programs (2021)

March 10, 2022

Abstract Summary: Not available Review The Full Research Document Here Cuellar, M., & Gandara, P. (2021). Promoting access and equity for underrepresented racial minorities? An examination of policies and practices in community college baccalaureate programs. Community College Review, 49(1), 52-75.

What Works For Adult Learners

What Works For Adult Learners (2019)

March 10, 2022

Abstract Summary: Traditional education and training models are failing to equip many job seekers–especially people of color and individuals living in low-income communities in urban and rural areas–with the skills and experience they need to succeed in today’s workforce. This …

Post-secondary education and training, new vocational and hybrid pathways and questions of equity, inequality and social mobility: introduction to the special issue

Post-secondary education and training, new vocational and hybrid pathways and questions of equity, inequality, and social mobility: introduction to the special issue (2017)

March 10, 2022

Abstract Summary: Distinctive forms of post-secondary education for those who do not follow well-worn academic routes from school to university are evolving rapidly across a wide range of countries. Referred to as Higher Vocational Education (HVE) in countries such as …