Community college baccalaureate programs as an equity strategy: Student access and outcomes data (2022)
Abstract Summary:
Over the last three years, researchers and policy analysts at New America, Bragg & Associates, and the University of Washington has studied the emergence of CCB degrees and student access, enrollment, completion, employment, and earnings of those pursuing CCB degrees. It was important to better understand how students are faring in these relatively new programs through an equity lens. In this report, data from Florida and Washington are used to illuminate who CCB students are and how they fare at various points along a CCB journey, from enrollment decisions to employment and wage outcomes after graduation. The results of the analysis suggest that CCBs provide an important baccalaureate access point for adult students and that graduates have strong employment and wage outcomes. The analysis forms the basis for recommendations for policy and future research.
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Mesa, E. & Love, I. (2022). Community college baccalaureate programs as an equity strategy: Student access and outcomes data.