Community College Bachelor’s Degrees: An Equity and Economic Recovery Strategy

As the country faces a reckoning with systemic racism and an economic crisis fueled by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, trends indicate that jobs created in the recovery are more likely to require a bachelor’s degree than the jobs that were lost. Yet research tells us that minoritized people of color are disproportionately less likely to have a bachelor’s degree than their white peers and face stubborn income and wealth gaps.
The community college baccalaureate (CCB) could be a part of the solution. Join the Center on Education & Skills at New America Thursday, Oct. 1 from 2–4 p.m. EST as CCB leaders share their perspectives on the value of the CCB degree. This virtual event will include research presentations, a live panel of CCB students and graduates and a round-robin on the state of the CCB featuring:
- Anthony Carnevale, Director, Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce
- Sameer Gadkaree, Senior Program Officer, Joyce Foundation
- Gregory Haile, President, Broward College
- Holly Zanville, Strategy Director for the Future of Learning and Work, Lumina Foundation